Moonchild Sanelly biography: age, daughter, songs and pictures

You probably know her as the blue-haired sexy Midnight Starring musician. But Moonchild Sanelly has much more to offer. From her authentic hair, her outspokenness and her success in music, Moonchild Sanelly is just a movement on her own. Here is all you need to know about her.

Moonchild Sanelly has a musical background from her upbringing. In an interview, she revealed her brother was a hip-hop musician, her mother a singer and her cousins, kwaito dancers. This largely influenced her music career, and she is known for her kwaito sound. Moonchild Sanelly also admits she grew up performing at shows that her mother organized.

Moonchild Sanelly age

Moonchild Sanelly real name is Sanelisiwe Twisha. She was born in Port Elizabeth but has since relocated to Durban then Johannesburg to pursue her music career and her personal brand. She was born on November 20th, and she celebrates her birthdays lavishly. However, her year of birth is still a mystery as is most of her early life and the Moonchild Sanelly age.

She finished her high school studies in Port Elizabeth and then moved to Linea Fashion Design Academy in Durban to pursue fashion in 2005. She was at the academy for six years. She would later utilize this knowledge in her brand. Her career in music started around this period.

Moonchild Sanelly career

In 2006, Moonchild Sanelly started performing at the Durban University of Technology. Her style would best be described as poetry and hip-hop. Her performances landed her at Gayasi FM where she made regular appearances on the radio show Poetry with King Siso.

Her next big break came when Red Bull discovered her through an EP she had been featured on by DJ Shimza. The EP went on to be a part of the Soul Candi album. Moonchild Sanelly has been working with Redbull ever since going as far as performing on the Red Bull Music Festival.

In 2018, Moonchild Sanelly got to perform at the Sound Festival Primavera in Spain which was a big milestone for her. Immediately after she got back, she was offered the chance to open for Die Antwood in a European Tour, and she asked fans to help her out. She got to do the European tour for a month in 2018. Moonchild Sanelly has also performed at the Shoko Festival in Zimbabwe and Coachella in 2019.

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Moonchild Sanelly songs

Since her debut as a hip-hop musician, Moonchild Sanelly has been busy growing her brand and producing music. She has two official albums; Rabulapha produced in 2015, and Gqom Wave that was a collaboration of many various artists. It was a song in the latter (Midnight Starring and Makhe that elevated her to international star status. Moonchild songs list from each of the albums are:


  • Dance like a girl
  • Ma Kiss & Pop
  • Twitter (feat. Toya Delazy)
  • Cut the Cake (feat Maramza)
  • Red Eye
  • Mali
  • Rabubi
  • Isduda
  • Don’t Believe the Hype
  • Bounca Boy
  • Ndota Nbambe

Gqom Wave

  • Midnight Starring
  • Makhe
  • Oncamnce
  • Angeke
  • Punisha
  • Naja
  • Goosheshe
  • Probleme
  • Thirsty
  • Dla’l Isgubhu
  • Inyakanyaka
  • Tholukuthi Hey

Moonchild Sanelly singles

In between producing album and working with DJ Maphorisa, Moonchild Sanelly released a few other songs. F-Boyz that was released in 2017 was quite a hit where she narrates a story of how she got duped by a boy with a car. Fox with That also made a lot of waves. All her single songs are listed below.

  • Weh Mameh - 2018
  • F-Boyz - 2017
  • Guestlist - 2016
  • Buthi Madlisa - 2016
  • Down Low - 2018
  • Fox with That - 2016
  • Okabani - 2016
  • Skweez - African Icon Vol 1

Moonchild Sanelly public image

Moonchild Sanelly is one outspoken musician who is very particular with her image. She is probably well known for three traits in particular; her blue hair, her self-defined music genre and her stand on sexuality. She takes great care to curate that public image and it has forged a clear path for her career.

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Moonchild Sanelly actually admitted to patenting her hair. After trying out a couple of styles, she finally settled on the blue hair she refers to as her moon mop. She patented her hair claiming she did not want her trademark being taken on by other acts or celebrities.

Moonchild Sanelly refers to her music as Future ghetto punk which is a blend of hip-hop, afro-punk, kwaito, experimental electronic and edgy pop. She sings in mostly Xhosa and English and dances kwaito most likely an influence from her childhood.

Moonchild Sanelly’s interest in sexual freedom and expression is also another of her publicly identifiable traits. She has hinted to wanting to work on a TV or radio show about sexuality. She gives electric performances and is known for throwing in a surprise or two when she is on stage.

Moonchild Sanelly business

On the business front, Moonchild Sanelly combines her studies and her passion. She has her own clothing label known as Moonchild Cultwear. It seems after all, her years in design school are being put to good use.

However, it is the Moonchild Sanelly nude club that got tags wagging. The moment she announced its launch, she had to go online and defend it, insisting it is not a brothel since there is no transactional sex. She claimed security was a priority and no journalists were allowed and the nude club was just a place where everyone would be comfortable with their sexuality.

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Moonchild Sanelly daughters and boyfriend

Moon child Sanelly has three daughters whose information is hard to access, except her eldest Wafika Twisha mostly referred to as Artemis Wafika or Artemis the Goddess. This 9-year-old is a songwriter and rapper who plans to follow in her mother’s musical footsteps and already has an EP cooking. The name of Moonchild Sanelly's boyfriend is Oarabile who is a copywriter.

The iconic blue-haired Moonchild Sanelly is just about beginning her career. She seems to be going international by the minute and with a unique brand and Xhosa pride. Her lyrical prowess is amazing, as is her live stage performance and exciting nude club. A successful career, a clothing label, and a mother of 3 are just the beginning.


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