Governor Sakaja Dragged To Court By Unfairly Dismissed Nairobi County Askaris

Hours after we highlighted their plight, over 700 former Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) askaris, who were left jobless after Governor Johnson Sakaja failed to absorb them into the new government, received a text message on Thursday evening instructing them to report to sub-county offices on Friday morning with their uniforms.

Speaking to this blog, the discharged officers confirmed they will honour the summons but maintained their earlier stance, declaring that they will not be returning the uniforms unless they receive compensation for their unpaid salary of two months.

In a show of solidarity, the askaris plan to show up at the sub-county offices in the form of a protest, which will be covered by the media.

The askaris, who were hired by the defunct NMS, have also revealed that they will be taking their fight to the courts.

They have hired a lawyer and are suing both the Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Nairobi County Government (NCG) for their mistreatment and unjust dismissal.

The latest twist to the story now raises even more questions about the commitment of Governor Sakaja’s government to its employees and the state of their job security.

The askaris are calling for their voices to be heard, and for their grievances to be addressed.

It is a sad state of affairs that the officers, who have dedicated their time and efforts to serving the city, have been treated so unjustly.

As a responsible news outlet, we stand with the askaris and will continue to follow this developing story and provide updates to our esteemed readers.

You Broke Your Promise: Laid Off County Askaris Tell Governor Sakaja
