Cris Collinsworth Net Worth 2023: Explore His Financial Status

Many people love Cris Collinsworth as a sports announcer and you can often hear him on Saturday Night Football. He has been a famous expert for more than 40 years and can often be seen on CBS, Showtime and the NFL network.

Cris Collinsworth played wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals for eight years, from 1981 to 1988. He has been named to the Pro Bowl three times and is in the University of Florida Athletic Hall of Fame.

A lot of money has been made by the former NFL player, most of it from his job as a sports commentator. Find out how much Cris Collinsworth is worth by reading this post.

How Much is Cris Collinsworth’s Net Worth?

Cris Collinsworth’s net worth is around $25 million right now, in 2023. The wide receiver used to play for the Cincinnati Bengals and had a short but good time in the NFL. Cris Collinsworth became a sports announcer after leaving the NFL in the 1980s.

He has been doing this job for the past 40 years. His job as a sports reporter has brought in most of his net worth. Know the details about his source of income and charity below:


Cris Collinsworth is said to be making around $12.5 million a year from his present deal with NBC. In the late stages of 2021, Cris Collinsworth arranged the deal.

He used to be under a deal that paid him about $4 million a year. Apparently, Cris Collinsworth wasn’t going to leave NBC for Amazon Prime after all. He stayed with NBC after negotiating a new deal and getting a big pay raise.


Cris Collinsworth doesn’t usually have any big advertising deals and he hasn’t signed any in a while. The only time he had an advertising deal was in 2013 when he became the face of “Western & Southern Financial Group.”

The group is ranked #5 on the Fortune 500 list and they’ve been in the financial services business for more than 125 years.


Cris Collinsworth is the main backer in Pro Football Focus. Pro Football Focus is an NFL performance and data technology company.

He owns a large part of Pro Football Focus and runs the company which is worth nine figures. A company called Silver Lake paid $50 million for a small part of the business.


Cris Collinsworth lives with his family in Fort Thomas, Kentucky right now. Cris Collinsworth and his wife Holly Bankemper built the house and a small compound around it. It has a barn, a swimming pool and a pool house. The main house is about 7,000 square feet.


The “Proscan Fund,” which is run by Cris Collinsworth, fights breast cancer. The group teaches, sets up support systems and offering early spotting services.

Free mammograms are part of the programs. The “Proscan Fund” also works to improve kids’ self-esteem by teaching them good manners and how to think critically.

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There is a question among his fans that in what age he earned an impressive net worth, so below you will read about his age and education.

How Old is Cris Collinsworth?

Cris Collinsworth was born in Dayton, Ohio, on January 27, 1959, and now he is 64 years old. He is looking fit according to his age. Have a look at the below post by which you can see his fitness:

His father became the director of all schools in Brevard County and both of his parents were teachers. The family moved from Ohio to Melbourne, Florida, in 1963. Cris was 4 years old at the time. Collinsworth eventually went to Astronaut High School, where his dad was the director.

Cris was naturally athletic and played many sports in high school. He won the state title in the 100-yard dash. He was also named an All-American quarterback in high school. Cris kept showing how good he could be after taking a football scholarship to the University of Florida.

He threw a touchdown pass against the Owls that went 99 yards. It is tied for the longest touchdown pass in NCAA history. In the end, Collinsworth was moved to wide receiver. He saw that this was where he would really do well and knew it was the right choice.

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